The production is taking shape and it is very exciting to be here to see it.
The carpenters, welders and painters are all working very hard.
In this new opera, a large part of the story is told in and around a pick-up truck.

As you see in the picture the truck is being mounted onto a mechanism that will allow the truck to make it’s stage entrance and exit without too much difficulty and will be controlled by the crew. The singers will not need to worry about the truck at all.

The scenic paint crew is busy working on the large deck. It is being textured by rolling on a thick paste similar to flexible roof compound, over top of burlap. The burlap is removed and it leaves a rippled texture. Then scenic painter can begin painting over top of the dried board.
We are luck that the Banff Centre has joined VO in co-producing this great new opera. Our relationship with Banff is allowing us to rehearse for a short time on the set in the Eric Harvie Theatre at the Banff Centre. This will give the singers a wonderful chance to get used to the set before we get into the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
~ Tom Wright, Director of Artistic Planning
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